Monkey Temple

So, this is a little out of order (we did this the day before going on the elephant trip), but we got some funny pictures, so I thought it deserved posting. We went to Lopburie, a town renowned for it's temples swarming with monkeys. We definitely underestimated the amount of monkeys we were going to see. About 5 minutes after arriving, the streets were filled with monkeys! They were hanging on the power lines, climbing on the buildings, sitting on people's cars and scooters...they were everywhere! They weren't exactly the cute monkeys we were expecting either...they seemed more like pigeons. When we got to the temple itself, it almost looked like the walls were moving, there were so many monkeys. Shiny stuff and bags really appealed to the monkeys, one jumped on Eric and was so cute until he tried stealing our bag! ...Katie


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