Preaching in Moshi

This past Sunday I had was incredibly blessed with the opportunity to preach at a local church here in Tanzania. I was pretty nervous because I have never had an opportunity like this before.
I was originally supposed to speak to the youth group but on Sunday morning the head pastor asked me if I could tweak my sermon to preach to the entire church for 45 minutes. I was like heck yes I can! It ended up being between 75 and 100 people that I ws speaking to.
One of the reasons it was super fun was that the crowd was really getting into what I was saying. They were lifting their hands, yelling AMEN, and Praise the LORD! It was super encouraging for me while I was up there.

It was so much fun and I am so thankful for this opportunity. Preaching with a translator is sooo much fun too. After about 40-45 minutes I was done but i didnt want to be.Freddy, my translator did an awesome job! Thank you freddy!!


whitedjc said...

You are an amazing person. I am so proud of you and Katie. Stay safe and I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter from the family.

love from the Herschbergers

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